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Online Payments

Your donations and payments allow us to continue offering vital religious, educational, and social programs to our community.
Please note that the donation types below help the day-to-day operations of TBI and our ability to offer quality programming. 
If you are paying toward your account, to ensure proper credit please log in to the site first, and then select the specific item(s) you'd like to pay. If you are making a general donation, log in is not required.
On behalf of our Rabbi, staff, and board of directors, thank you!

**If you are making a donation**
If you select one of the three dedication types below, but you do not want a donation acknowledgment sent to anyone, please enter your own information in the “Person to Notify” fields.

If you're having trouble with this page, please contact us and we'll assist you!

541-485-7218 or

People With Accounts Pay or Donate Here


Visitors Pay or Donate Here

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Payment Notes
Mon, February 17 2025 19 Shevat 5785