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Community Shabbat Lunch
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Sponsor a Shabbat Community Lunch
in honor or in memory of someone or to celebrate a simcha! Lunches are held from 12:30-1:30pm after most Shabbat morning services (they are not held after B’nei Mitzvah or Shabbat Alive); 40-50 people typically attend.
A donation of
covers the cost of lunch for ~20 people and lists you as a sponsor (non-exclusively, others can also sponsor the same day).
A donation of
covers the cost of lunch for ~40 people and lists you as a sponsor (non-exclusively, others can also sponsor the same day).
A donation of
or more gives you exclusive sponsorship for that Shabbat.
Don't want to officially sponsor a lunch, but want to help chip away at the costs? Any amounts over $36 are welcome.
Questions? Please
email David Brown
How much would you like to donate to the Community Shabbat Lunch Fund?
First Name
Last Name
If you are sponsoring a lunch in honor or in memory of someone, or to celebrate a simcha, please let us know the details. And if you want to sponsor a lunch for a particular date, please indicate which date. We'll get back to you to confirm the date.
Mon, March 10 2025 10 Adar 5785